The web offers opportunities for earnings that go beyond blogging and content writing. Getting a large number of readers to your blog requires effort. You need to post interesting content, work towards building a blog community and share the links on social networking platforms to get more readers but your efforts to monetize your blog need not relate only to posting of content and search engine optimization for getting a large number of hits for the content. Videos too prove to be the perfect avenue for monetizing a blog. Here is how you can go about the task.
Post videos on YouTube
Provided the video is original and does not come with any copyright issues, the popularity of the video can set the stage for you to gain monetarily. Make sure that you are quick to join the YouTube ad program to get maximum gains. Each click on the video link plays out an advertisement before the video. You get paid for each view as the relevant ads generate revenue for you.
Get paid for good quality videos
Some sites are now paying not in the form of revenue generated through ads such as pay per click but the video itself gets you the money. A good quality video (hd yabancı dizi izle) of about 10 minutes in length gets you nearly $400 on An animated film fetches you even more at $2000. It calls for a bit of creativity, originality and innovation but you are assured a return for the work you put in. The website gains through ad revenues.
Earn through Google Adsense on your blog video page
It is not necessary for you to post the video on YouTube or any other site. A video posted on your blog page can serve as a means of monetizing your blog. Provided the video is interesting, a large number of hits are expected. Placement of appropriate ads on the page paves the way for you to generate revenue in the form of pay per click basis.
Gain popularity for other ventures through the video
Any kind of video holds the potential to go viral if it can catch the attention of people. A video may get you revenues through ads while propagating the cause of your business at the same time. Promote your business through ads that have the potential to go viral. Gain more with revenues through ads.
Get paid through referral commission
Refer people to a video affiliate marketing program and get as much as 50 percent commission. This certainly is a mode of revenue generation without any significant effort put in.
For long, it is the bloggers writing compelling content who have gained from the pay per click and affiliate marketing programs but the fact is that videos too offer the same kind of revenue generation prospects. In addition, a video comes without the hassle of regular content updating. It can serve as a means of regular revenue generation over the long term. Make sure you do not fritter away the opportunity. Capitalize on the large number of views a video posted by you garners.
About the author: Alia is a freelance blogger who is passionate about writing. She frequently writes on SEO, marketing and social media related topics. Her favorite sites are dizi izle, which she also happens to work for. She is a social media addict and can be actively found on twitter @aliahaley.