Browsing: Tips & Tricks

The two rivals- Android and iPhone have always been in fierce competition with each other. Where Apple users are enjoying innovative features and improvised versions of operating systems, Android is contributing its efforts to entertaining its users by creating highly efficient operating systems like the one discussed here- Marshmallow 6.0 Marshmallow 6.0- the operating system of Android is reputed to…

Phones are now used for almost everything – staying in touch with loved ones, sharing photos, and reading the news, especially since the typical mobile plan today offers daily internet. So why not transform your go-to device into a versatile assistant for your everyday life? Today, the development of apps is increasing at a rapid rate. Some apps will only…

We all want our phone to work its best and at the same time, save money avoiding all the dreaded repairs and buying replacement accessories. With that, here are some ways to optimize your phone for reaching its full potential according to the experts. Watching videos depletes Data Allowance Draining a 2-gigabyte monthly allowance of typical data plans is just…

All Windows versions come with some amazing hidden features and functions. In this series, Windows 10 is equally useful when it comes to some amazing tips & tricks to improve system performance. Let’s discuss top 7 tips for Windows 10 user in this article. Virtual Desktops: Task View which is also known as Virtual desktops (VD) on Windows was included…

The mighty instant messenger “Whatsapp” may let users counter deceived messages, providing a way to avoid embarrassment. The “recall” feature will allow the user to edit revoke messages, which have been sent within past five minutes. Whatsapp in near future may come up with its new “recall” feature which will enable the user to edit the unwillingly sent messages within…

As smartphones become more technologically advanced, their battery life drains dramatically. Now you would be lucky if your phone managed to last a day before it needs to be charged. Therefore, it is so important that you have a portable power bank in tow. It will allow you to charge up your phone whenever it needs a quick top-up. Here…

With threats of global warming, there is a need to come up with ecologically friendly ways to manage our energy as well as carbon levels in the atmosphere. A considerable amount of our power comes from fuel driven generators which contribute to the high levels of carbon in the environment. So we need to minimize the usage of power in…

Imagine you have a small business that uses technology regularly. Every once in a while, that technology will fail, and you’ll need someone with a considerable amount of technological knowledge to help you bring your website, servers, computers, etc. back up to code. When you run a small business, every interruption costs you money. Ideally you would have on staff…


Once you create your site, you simply complete 25 percent of your task. Next comes is garnering traffic to your site, which is among the daunting tasks. One of the best ways to get traffic comes via search engines. This can be carried out with the help of search engine optimization. Commonly denoted as SEO, it is one of the…

I was watching the news earlier and saw a story about how we can now use our DNA to trace back over 1000 years, with scientists even able to pin-point the exact village that your ancestors may have come from! I know that your typical forensic DNA test is nowhere near as impressive as those featured on shows like C.S.I,…